
Come out, come out, wherever you are!! On-air for over 33 years, since February 2, 1992, HomoRadio is the voice of the Capital District’s diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. This award-winning program features news, interviews, event listings, a concert calendar, music by gay-friendly artists, humor, giveaways, and much more!

ABOUT US . . .
We broadcast LIVE every Sunday from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm eastern time on WRPI 91.5 FM from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. Listen locally on 91.5 fm, online worldwide at www.wrpi.org

Our studio line is (518) 276-6248.


Dr. Ray Werking — Executive Producer and on-air personality

David Liebig — On-air personality

Ulysses deArmas — On-air personality

Joe Galu — News Producer

Bryan Atkinson — Assistant News Producer

Ernie Polgardy —  Assistant to the Executive Producer

Tim Ruppert — Archivist

Randy Stein — Webmaster

For interview booking inquiries, feel free to contact Dr. Ray Werking at (518) 928-0677 or drray@homoradio.org
For all other inquiries, we can be reached at HomoRadio@homoradio.org

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